selections from poetry written in 1997 and before

invisible valentine

And so alone
So alone
All the lovers in their hotels
And I'm here alone
This is emptiness
This is loneliness
Never lost in love
Never loved at all
SO I send an invisible valentine
To nobody
To nobody in particular
To touch me
To hold me
To tell me how I'm loved
Never known love
Never loved at all

No mail, no calls
No balloons, no cards
No messages
To send an invisible valentine
As I cry

I try
To wipe my eyes
But overwhelmed
And it's about time

Never wanted it so much
Out of sight, out of mind
Into sight, in my mind
Torture comes in all forms
Emptiness, loneliness
As I send an invisible valentine
To nobody
As everything
Surrounds my nothingness
It's all nothing: everything
Racing a million miles an hour
Barely out of my reach
Invisible valentines

Who will be my valentine
I can't see
There's nothing

No mail, no calls
No balloons, no cards
No messages, nobody
To send an invisible valentine
As I cry

Never wanted it so much . . .
Never before
Never more than scribbles on paper
Never more than fantasies
Never more than dreams
Never after

Nobody touch me
Nobody hold me
Nobody comfort me
Nobody love me
Nobody need me
My invisible valentine . . .
Help me embrace
The whole of empty space
My invisible valentine . . .

No mail, no calls
Nothing, nothing at all . . .
No balloons, no cards
Nothing, nothing at all . . .
No messages, nobody
To send an invisible valentine
Nobody, no one at all . . .
As I cry.

("copywrite" 9:29 pm friday february 14 1997)


Eleven times four has flown . . .
On this very day
Many many many years ago
Anomaly came to be.
One of a kind she made more
More than a mother and a friend
We don't know what the hell she did it for
But expect it to last until the end . . .
She won't take any bullshit stuff
Knows exactly what she believes
No one can tell her who to love
No one can tell her what to be.
Often one may think, "Why,
Someone should slap her silly!"
But she chose her battles wisely
And became a Tigerlily.

("copywrite" 5:09 pm saturday june 1 1996)


Let us reach out to you, because
You're not just anyone
The kind of special person who
Touches the lives of everyone
At your side

Realize, recognize
You'll be missed greatly by
All the people in your life
Know that you're important
To our lives

Remember those who cared for you
Remember those who loved you
Remember those who shared with you
Reach out to those above you
And fly

Through timeless rivers
The wheel of life is turning
Staring at forever
Look forward to the journey
To the sky

("copywrite" 6:31 pm saturday may 4 1996)


Hate is amazing
Hate is mysterious
Hate is phenominal
Hate is wrong
Hate is powerful
Hate is manacing
Hate is molevolent
Hate is blind

Hate can touch everyone
Hate can reach for me I know
Hate is a shotgun
Hate takes away our hope
Hate can hurt anyone
Hate will make us slow
Hate is a shotgun
Hate takes away our hope
Hate will take all of us
Hate is the evil way to go (love is the only way.)
Hate is a shotgun
Hate takes away our hope

Hate is a shotgun
Hate takes away our hope . . .

Hate can touch everyone

Love is our only hope . . .

("copywrite" 6:05 pm sunday october 1 1995)

Looking Forward

People say
"What's the use in looking back?"
What's done is done
It's in the past
To make their lives a little better
But no matter what they do
Well it never seems to matter
People are
People they're only human
What they do is
Just what they do
People say
How can only one of us
Make a difference
And just stand by as we self-destruct . . .

Turn around
Look behind you
Turn around
Look ahead of you
Can you see the connection?
Turn around
See is in the past
Turn around
See how long we may last
Do we have the protection?
Looking forward . . .
Does anyone feel affection?

People say
They care they wish they could help
But how can they
In this day and age
Without the efforts of anybody else
People want
To live they don't want to die
But all they know is how to fight
People are
People they're only human
What they do is
Just what they do
People say
How can any of us
Make any change
While they dwell on personal rage . . .

Turn around
Look behind you
Turn around
Look ahead of you
Can you see the connection?
Turn around
See us in the past
Turn around
See how long we may last
Do we have the protection?
Looking forward . . .
Does anyone feel affection?

Look ahead of you
Will anyone care?
Does anyone care?
Will anyone make the connection?
Will anyone have the protection?
Will anyone receive affection?
Will anyone give affection?
Will anyone feel affection?

("copywrite" 5:27 pm sunday april 16 1995)


Love is wonderful
Love is magical
Love is a miracle
Love is right
Love is beautiful
Love is enchanting
Love is extraordinary
Love is blind

Love is for everyone
Love is all I want to know
Love is not a gun
Love is our only hope
Love is for anyone
Love will make us glow
Love is not a gun
Love is our only hope
Love is for all of us
Love is the only way to go
Love is not a gun
Love is our only hope

Love is not a gun
Love is our only hope . . .

Love is for everyone

Love is our only hope . . .

("copywrite" 10:17 am wednesday april 12 1995)


Come into my house,
Come into my room.
Come into my house
Shut the door behind you
Tell me where I'll find you . . .
Sweet display of
Your personal style
Give me your coat
Give me a smile
Give me a little giggle . . .
Come into my life
And give me a smile
Come into my life
And stay for a while
Just give me your coat
Come into my life
Come into my life
Come into my house
Come into my room
Shut the door behind you
Tell me this is for real . . .
Tell me how you feel . . .
Tell me, tell me
How well you really know me
Tell me how you feel . . .

Just what is it you're trying to suggest
Am I understanding your implications
Can you tell me what's the best
Will you make me feel like I'm on vacation
Is it more than connotation

Can you tell me
What's the best for us
Will you tell me
What to get for us
Do you want to make me feel high?
You do want to
I want to
Do you want to make it feel right?
Come into my life
Make me feel special
Come into my life
Can't be artificial
How I feel for you
Do I understand
How you feel for me?
Are you in command
In touch with your feelings?
Please don't be vague
Don't just insinuate
Don't make me beg
Don't humiliate me
I gotta know for sure
Tell me, tell me
How specific you can be
Tell me how you feel . . .

Just what is it you're trying to suggest
Am I understanding your implications
Can you tell me what's the best
Will you make me feel like I'm on vacation
Is it more than connotation

Oh can't you tell me
What's the best
You can tell me how you feel
Don't make me make the wrong move
Don't just connotate
Don't make me contemplate
Just tell me the truth
Tell me about me
Tell me about you
Tell me all about the both of us
Shut the door behind you
Come into my room
Tell me how you feel . . .

Just what is it you're trying to suggest
Am I understanding your implications
Can you tell me what's the best
Will you make me feel like I'm on vacation
Is it more than connotation

Oh make me feel like I'm on vacation
Fulfill the implication
No contemplation
Fulfill the implication
Like I'm on vacation

("copywrite" 3:37 pm saturday april 1 1995)

the freak who wouldn't say hi

Sliding of the elevator door
Step into the unfamiliar
In a place I've never been before
And down the hallway
And David smiles
Well now what can I say
Feeling better already
And mother says goodbye
I try not to cry
And I go and stand in line
A week of ice breakers
Feeling better already
Still feeling better today.
Maybe things won't be so bad
Maybe I'll make
I'll make the friends I never had . . .

And everyone says "hi" to me
And it's Friday and it's 8:55
And Bernard's just trying to be friendly
But I don't drink
And I want to watch my favorite show
I really like you all
but I don't think any of you really know
And everyone says "hi" to me
What's up, how's it going
And then they all look at me
And wait for an answer I
hardly ever give them at all
And I can't really tell you why
I never ever said hi
Though I really really tried . . .
And everyone says "hi" to me
Till the day I can't open my door
And I find headlines on the floor
And I never figured out what that was for
And I see the name before
I walk into my room . . .

And I try
I try I want to say hi
I want to say hi to everyone
And why can't I
Why can't I learn to know
Learn to say hello
Say hello I tell myself
I tell myself to say hello
I tell myself to say hi
And as I lay on my pillow, every night
I go to sleep wondering why . .

I go to sleep wondering why . . .
There's five dimes used to jam
Wads of newspaper along the crack
And the freak across my door
No I don't feel welcome anymore . . .
I go to sleep wondering why
I don't feel welcome anymore . . .

I go to sleep wondering why . . .
I'm so weak
I'm so afraid so afraid
I tell myself what's the harm
What's the harm in saying hi
But I never take the action I
I go to sleep wondering why . . .
Why, why does it seem I'll never change
Why, why am I so distant
Why am I so quiet
Why do I lock myself singing in my room
Why, why does it seem it'll always
Itll always be this way
Why, why, why I . . . why I . . . I . . .
I go to sleep wondering why . . .
There's five dimes used to jam
Wads of newspaper along the crack
And the freak across my door
No I don't feel welcome anymore . . .

And somebody washed it off
Someone was nice to me
But its shadow remains; it won't come off
It's something I still see
And I still go to sleep wondering why
WHy, why, why I . . . why I . . . I . . .
I go to sleep wondering why . . .

Five dimes used to jam
Wads of newspaper along the crack
And the freak across my door
No I don't feel welcome anymore
Five dimes used to jam
Wads of newspaper along the crack
And the freak across my door
No I don't feel welcome anymore . . .

("copywrite" 10:24 pm monday december 12 1994)


frustration in temptation
am i the only one?
fear of humiliation
when i'm the only one not done
better other better activities
they call to me
say what's important's not important
contemplation of the solution
can i accept the options?
what have i got to choose from
but that which i don't want?
but then i'm just too stupid i'm stupid i'm stupid
believing i'm too smart to do anything now
there's always time tomorrow
tomorrow there's always time
solidification of my mind
so far from my reach
better other better things
they call to me
say what's important's not important
continuation of procrastination
tomorrow is just another day
who says i can't get away with it
i'll get it done i'll get it done
and i just can't be the only one
no need to worry of humiliation
hello teacher
hello doctor
what is it you say you want?
it's a funny you see
i decided not to worry
and look at me
look at how things and i turned out
and look at me
hello teacher
hello doctor
hello i'm not done
hello i'm not done
i'm not done
i'm not done

("copywrite" 3:57 pm tuesday november 15 1994)


On the freeway with you
Pull over
Get in the back seat with me
Touch me
Can I play with your control
Don't turn them off please don't
Keep them on
Keep them on with the brights on
(I wanna see your headlights)
I wanna see them all night
I wanna touch them all right
I wanna kiss them till daylight

("copywrite" 8:42 am monday september 27 1993)

Dear Santa Claus

Oh my dear old Santa Claus
Do-dah, do-dah
I saw you the other day
Do-dah, do-dah
Was it a helicopter
Do-dah, do-dah
Oh yeah that is what I thought
Oh, de-do-dah day . . .
Oh dear Santa Claus
I know you're a fake
Your beard don't fit and your clothes don't take
Oh, de-do-dah day
Oh dear Santa Claus . . .
I'm sick of saying do-dah
I heard from my boss
I heard from my ma
I heard from my dog
You don't fit in reality
You're not real don't you see?
Dear Santa Claus I want a lot
Santa Claus I want I want a lot
I want all my gifts to be bought
I want the murderers to be caught
I want the typewriters to quit making dots
I want siblings to realize how they fought
For Christmas I want to know what I got
I want the vent to stop being hot
I want the secretaries not to jot
I want the teens to stop saying "not"
I want the people to quit smoking pot
I want my bananas not to rot
I want all the tapes I've saught
I want people to listen to what they're taught
and oh yes I want my own yacht but
Santa Claus I want too much
and I shouldn't tell you much 'cause
You're not real . . . you're such a raw deal
It don't matter what I got
It don't matter what I want
It don't matter you're not real
It don't matter I don't feel
It don't matter I don't care
Dear Santa Claus . . .
Why I write to you I'll never know . . .
Dear Santa Claus . . .
Maybe I should just go and bowl . . .
Dear Santa Claus . . .
People love you and then I think, so?
Dear Santa Claus I'm sick of you because
Dear Santa Claus you're a lost cause
Santa you're a fake
Santa you should be an outlaw
Get out of my life for Pete's sake
Dear Santa Claus
I don't believe in you
Yeah I know some people do
But I don't care I am through
You're boring you are old news
Get away or I'll sue
I know better people too
You're such a dink you belong in a zoo
If you were dead I wouldn't boo hoo
Oh sometimes I wonder who
How many people always do you
You belong on a farm you should say moo
Dear Santa Claus
You'll never come to town
You won't ever come down
We don't have a chimney
We don't have a fireplace
My mom fills the stockings
Mom puts the presents under the tree
Mom does everything
You don't do anything
You don't do anything
You don't do anything

("copywrite" 1992)

Get Over It

Let's not get uptight
Let's not get so down
We'll have fun tonight
So wipe off that frown
Nothing is so bad
So your brother's dead
Some guy bashed in his head
So now he's gone
So let's move on
Why are you so bitter?

("copywrite february 1992)

Song of the Cat


("copywrite" february 1992)

Every Time I Think Of You

Every time I think of you
My kneecaps turn to blue
Then they match my shoes
Every time I think of you
My mind wants to say "pew!"
I bet you never knew
I know that you smell too
Every time you think of me
I want to climb a tree
To get away from thee
You stink like hell you see
Go find another he
You see you smell like pee
No more cups of tea
Every time you think of me
Every time I think of you
I think of Betsy the Cow
Out pulling a plow
Sometimes I wonder how
You look a cow now
I want to break our vows
Now I can't say wow
You're ugly can't you see
Every time I think of you
I think of my cat's doo doo
I won't be seen with you
So don't you think of me
I want a different she

("copywrite" 1991)

Road Pizza Porcupine

Road pizza porcupine
So close to the earth
You gave me a flat tire
You changed the color of the highway
You died--you didn't go the right way
Supposed to look both ways you idiot
I guess I'll have to pity it--yeah
Now I have feelings for the poor thing
Though I'm sure its personality was boring
Oh yeah now I'm in so much sorrow
I feel like playing a black piano
Road pizza porcupine
Sorry I didn't get to know you
You could've been mine
All my life I was looking for something new
It's too bad . . .
We could've gone for a beer or ten
Now we have nothing to remember when
Road pizza porcupine
Your guts weren't what I wanted to find
I guess I'll just have to get over it--yeah
It's so depressing, having to watch you get killed
It's so upsetting, having to wash you off my grill
I can't handle it, having to rub you off my feet
No I can't stand it, having to scrape you off the street
In your honor, I had the remains of your flesh
Cremated 'cause your guts sure made a big mess
But now they're in my little cup--yeah
Road pizza porcupine
Making you splatter is not really exactly what I meant
Road pizza porcupine
I finally got the remains of your teeth out of the cement--yeah
Now you're on my mantle, right between my red candles
I'm keeping you there forever . . .
Forever . . .
Forever . . .
I'll never forget you, my road pizza porcupine . . .
I'll keep you forever . . .
My road pizza porcupine.

("copywrite" 1990)

Matthew McQuilkin FRUITCAKE emenemenem
Seattle, WA